- Sharing Files (2024 FD01)
The various methods of sharing files are unified into a single Share
tool on the Lifecycle and Collaboration toolbar.
- Automatically Fix Missing References (2024 FD01)
If you open a 3DEXPERIENCE file from your computer and some of the references are missing on your machine, you can use the Unable to Locate References dialog box to fix the missing references.
- Double-Clicking SOLIDWORKS Files to Open SOLIDWORKS Connected (2024 FD01)
From File Explorer, you can double-click or right-click > Open a SOLIDWORKS file to start SOLIDWORKS Connected and open the file. In previous releases, you could open SOLIDWORKS Connected only from the Compass in a browser or from a desktop shortcut.
- Collaborative Space Selection Menu (2024 FD01)
The collaborative space selection menu now appears in only two locations: The Save to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box and in . The menu is removed from all other locations where it was previously located.
- Specifying a New Part or Assembly as a Single Physical Product (2024 FD01)
You can designate a new part or assembly as a single physical product.
- Selecting Recently-Accessed Bookmarks (2024 FD01)
You can select from recently-accessed bookmarks in the Save to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box.
- Managing Deleted Configurations (2024 FD01)
If a structure has physical products that are deleted locally, the save process is blocked and an appropriate warning is displayed in the Status column of the Save dialog box.
- Editing the Properties of an Object (2024 FD01)
You can edit the properties of an object from the . In the Properties tab of Display Side Panel, click Edit
to edit the attributes of the object.
- Selecting an Appropriate Collaborative Space (2024 FD01)
If multiple organizations belong to a common collaborative space, the collaborative space list in the Save dialog box and the Destination column in the Batch Save to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box display the name of the collaborative space and the name of the organization.
- Connecting to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform from SOLIDWORKS (2024 FD01)
A Welcome dialog box appears when you connect to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform for the first time. Also, a notification is displayed when a connection is established with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
- File Preparation Assistant - Additional Checks (2024 FD01)
The File Preparation Assistant dialog box contains two additional options to check for out-of-date configuration data and incompatible files. The software also silently performs two other checks for file names and the number of configurations.
- CAD Family Tab (2024 FD01)
Models updated to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform can use only the CAD Family tab for configuration views.
- Updating the Server Information in the 3DEXPERIENCE Files on This PC Tab (2024 FD01)
The current server information for the files on the 3DEXPERIENCE Files on This PC tab might become outdated. To overcome this, the Refresh command is replaced with two options: Refresh View
and Refresh from Server
- Selecting the Position of Work Under (2024 FD01)
When MySession is loading, you can hide or display the Work Under and also select its position.
- Linking PLM Custom Properties of Representations to Physical Products (2024 SP1)
The software links the PLM attributes of custom properties of representations to the parent physical products.
- Support for the 3DEXPERIENCE (Design with SOLIDWORKS) Add-In in Routing (2024 SP1)
With the 3DEXPERIENCE (Design with SOLIDWORKS) add-in, you can use routing components or assemblies from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.