Searching Components

You can find a component in the list of components for the electrical project by using filters.

  1. To search for a component, do one of the following:
    • Dockable panel: Components > Contextual menu > Search component .
    • Menu: Electrical project > Search > Search component .
    • Insert connector: Select existing component
  2. Enter the criteria.
    The following table explains the different criteria available:
    Option Description
    Mark Searches based on the component mark.
    Description Searches based on the description of the component.
    Parent Searches based on the parent mark of the component, in the case of cascaded marking.
    Location Searches based on the location of the component.
    Function Searches based on the function of the component.
    Destination Searches only in the selected book or folder.
    Class Searches based on the class of the component.
    Manufacturer part Searches based on the manufacturer part associated with the component.
    Component type Searches based on the type of component.
    Icon Description
    Opens Search Management. For more information, see Searching for Project Elements.
    Resets all the filters
    Opens the drawing of the selected element.
    Allows you to find the component in the list of components in the dockable panel.
    Updates the preview.

    If you select different types of symbols (symbol and terminal for example) when you validate the association, a message dialog box is opened to confirm your choice.

    When you validate, the selected symbols are automatically associated with the existing component. The symbol marks are updated with the component mark.

  3. The search starts automatically.
  4. The result is displayed in the left-hand part of the dialog box. The right-hand part displays a preview of the selected element.