This topic provides you with quick access to the enhancements in Electrical Application API 2024.
New and changed functionality
IEwNotificationDialogX Notification Dialog.
IEwProjectFunctionX Project Function.
IEwProjectFunctionManagerX Project Function manager.
IEwProjectWireStyleX Project Wire Style.
IEwProjectWireStyleManagerX Project Wire Style manager.
IEwProjectWireStyleGroupX Project Wire Style Group.
New interfaces
IEwClassX Interface.
IEwCableCoreX Interface.
IEwCableReferenceX Interface.
IEwLibraryX Interface.
IEwManufacturerPartX Interface.
IEwProjectX Interface.
IEwProjectBookX Interface.
- IEwProjectBookX::getLocationID.
- IEwProjectBookX::setLocationID.
- IEwProjectBookX::getFunctionID.
- IEwProjectBookX::setFunctionID.
IEwProjectConfigurationX Interface.
IEwProjectFileX Interface.
- IEwProjectFileX::getLocationID.
- IEwProjectFileX::setLocationID.
- IEwProjectFileX::getFunctionID.
- IEwProjectFileX::setFunctionID.
IEwProjectNumberMarksX Interface.
IEwProjectTagObjectX Interface.
IEwSelectorDialogX Interface.
IEwSymbolX Interface.
IEwTitleBlockX Interface.
IEwWireTerminationTypeManagerX IEwWireTerminationTypeManagerX Interface.
New methods, properties, and delegates
New Enumeration
- New EwComputeOrderNumberType enumeration for the sort order in equipotential.
- New IEwControlSelectorDialog enumeration from selector dialog to do an action on it.
- New EwNotificationMessageType enumeration of the Message type in notification dialog.
- New EwPhaseType enumeration for the Conductor type of a wire style.
- New EwTagUnicityType enumeration to get the Tag unicity of wire style.
Enumeration EwProjectConfigValue Value
- New Project configuration Value: EwProjectConfigValue::kResetCatRefInfoFromComponent : Option to clear manufacturer part information when deleting or replacing a part from component.
- New Project configuration Value: EwProjectConfigValue::kIsActiveExcelAutomationAutoConnectMacros : Excel automation - Autoconnection of wires after inserting macros.
- New Project configuration Value: EwProjectConfigValue::kIsActiveExcelAutomationResetUndefMacroVars : Option to reset undefined macro variables.
- See EwProjectConfigValue.
Enumeration EwErrorCode Value
- New Error Code Value : EwErrorCode::EW_ENVIRONMENT_ALREADY_CONNECTED : Environment is already connected.
- See EwErrorCode.
Obsoleted interfaces, methods, properties, and delegates