LONG | getID (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the Id of this title block. More...
BSTR | getDescription (BSTR lgCode, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get a description of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setDescription (BSTR lgCode, BSTR strValue) |
| Set a description of this title block. More...
LONG | getClassNodeID (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
EwErrorCode | setClassNodeID (LONG lNodeID) |
BSTR | getLibraryCode (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the library code of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setLibraryCode (BSTR strLibraryCode) |
| Set the library code of this title block. More...
BSTR | getName (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the name of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setName (BSTR strName) |
| Set the name of this title block. More...
EwMeasurementType | getEwMeasurementType (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the measurement type of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setEwMeasurementType (EwMeasurementType eMeasurementType) |
| Set the measurement type of this title block. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | isWithRows (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Check if this title block have rows. More...
EwErrorCode | setWithRows (VARIANT_BOOL bHasRows) |
| Set if this title block have rows. More...
LONG | getFirstRowNumber (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the first row number of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setFirstRowNumber (LONG lFirstRowNumber) |
| Set the first row number of this title block. More...
DOUBLE | getFirstRowPosition (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the first row position of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setFirstRowPosition (DOUBLE dFirstRowPosition) |
| Set the first row position of this title block. More...
DOUBLE | getRowHeight (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the row height of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setRowHeight (DOUBLE dRowHeight) |
| Set the row height of this title block. More...
LONG | getNumberOfRows (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the number of rows of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setNumberOfRows (LONG lNumberOfRows) |
| Set the number of rows of this title block. More...
EwTitleBlockRowNumbering | getEwTitleBlockRowNumbering (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the rows numbering option of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setEwTitleBlockRowNumbering (EwTitleBlockRowNumbering eTitleBlockRowNumbering) |
| Set the rows numbering option of this title block. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | isWithColumns (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Check if this title block have columns. More...
EwErrorCode | setWithColumns (VARIANT_BOOL bHasColumns) |
| Set if this title block have hasColumns. More...
LONG | getFirstColumnNumber (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the first column number of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setFirstColumnNumber (LONG lFirstColumnNumber) |
| Set the first column number of this title block. More...
DOUBLE | getFirstColumnPosition (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the first column position of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setFirstColumnPosition (DOUBLE dFirstColumnPosition) |
| Set the first column position of this title block. More...
DOUBLE | getColumnWidth (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the column width of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setColumnWidth (DOUBLE dColumnWidth) |
| Set the column width of this title block. More...
LONG | getNumberOfColumns (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the number of columns of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setNumberOfColumns (LONG lNumberOfColumns) |
| Set the number of columns of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | getScale (DOUBLE *dNumerator, DOUBLE *dDenominator) |
| Get the scale of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setScale (DOUBLE dNumerator, DOUBLE dDenominator) |
| Set the scale of this title block. More...
DOUBLE | getCrossReferenceOffset (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the cross reference offset of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | setCrossReferenceOffset (DOUBLE dCrossReferenceOffset) |
| Set the cross reference offset of this title block. More...
EwErrorCode | load () |
| Initialize this object inside the current environment. More...
EwErrorCode | insertFromDwg (BSTR strDwgFilePath) |
| Insert new title block inside the current environment. More...
BOOL | isAlreadyOpened (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Check if the drawing is already opened. More...
EwErrorCode | getSheetSize (LONG lProjectID, DOUBLE *dWidth, DOUBLE *dHeight) |
| Gets the size of the dwg that contains the title block. More...
IEwClassificationX | getClassification (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the classification of the current titleblock. More...
LONG | getClassID (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the class ID of titleblock. More...
EwErrorCode | setClassID (LONG lID) |
| Set the class ID of this titleblock. More...
IEwTitleBlockX | duplicate (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Duplicate current titleblock. More...
DATE | getCreationDate (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the creation date of the current object. More...
DATE | getModificationDate (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the last modification date of the current object. More...
EwCreatorType | getEwCreatorType (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the creator of the current object. More...
BSTR | getModifiedBy (EwErrorCode *eErrorCode) |
| Get the last user name that modified the current object. More...
BSTR | getCreatedBy (EwErrorCode *eErrorCode) |
| Get the user name that created the current object. More...
EwErrorCode | setTranslatedData (LONG nUserDataNumber, BSTR strLanguage, BSTR strValue) |
| Set the value of a translated text. More...
BSTR | getTranslatedData (LONG nUserDataNumber, BSTR strLanguage, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the value of a translated text. More...
EwErrorCode | insert () |
| Insert the object inside the current project. More...
EwErrorCode | remove () |
| Remove the object from the current project. More...
EwErrorCode | update () |
| Update the object inside the current project. More...
Use this interface to manage a definition of a title block.
- Since
- 2018 SP0