| Create Linear Length Measurement
| Creates a label containing a line length. |
 | Create Curve Length Measurement | Creates a label containing the length of a polyline or CAD feature such as a curve or pipe.
 | Create Arc Length Measurement | Creates a label containing an arc length (defined by three points) or a circle perimeter (press
Alt for curve detection).
 | Create Thickness Measurement | Creates a label containing the thickness of the actor at the selected point. |
 | Create Diameter Measurement | Creates a label containing a circle diameter. |
 | Create Diameter Measurement from 3 Points | Creates a label containing the diameter of a circle defined by three points. |
 | Create Radius Measurement | Creates a label containing a circle radius. |
 | Create Radius Measurement from 3 Points | Creates a label containing the radius of a circle defined by three points. |
 | Create Distance Measurement Between 2 Points | Creates a label containing the distance between two points.
 | Create Distance/Angle Measurement Between 2 Lines | Creates a label containing the distance between two lines. |
 | Create Distance/Angle Measurement Between 2 Planes | Creates a label containing the distance between two parallel planes or the angle between two nonparallel planes. |
 | Create Distance Measurement Between 2 Axes | Creates a label containing the minimal distance between two detected circle axes. |
 | Create Distance Measurement Between 2 Centers | Creates a label containing the distance between two detected centers. |
 | Create Distance Measurement Between 2 Actors | Creates a label containing the distance between two faces, lines, or points.
This tool can create a variety of measurements, but it can be hard to select the intended geometry. Consider using a more specific tool when possible.
 | Create Distance Measurement Between Plane and Point | Creates a label containing the distance between a plane and a point. |
 | Create Distance Measurement Between Line and Point | Creates a label containing the minimal distance between a line and a point. |
 | Chain Measurement Mode | Creates a series of distance measurements where the last point of one measurement is the first point of the next.
 | Fan Measurement Mode | Creates a series of distance measurements where the first point is common to all other points.
 | Create Angle Measurement from 3 Points
| Creates a label containing the angle defined by three points. The first selected point is the vertex. |
 | Create Plane Projected Measurement | Creates a plane-projected (horizontal or vertical component) measurement. First select a face that indicates the normal direction of the dimensions, and then select a series of points for a chain of dimensions.
 | Project Plane Measurement on Axis | Creates a projected measurement between a plane-projected measurement and an axis. First select a plane-projected measurement, then select a plane to get the axis. |
 | Create Minimal Distance Measurement | Creates a label containing the minimal distance between two selected actors.
When actors move after creating the measurement, the distance between the two points defining the measurement updates automatically, but the points defining the minimal distance do not. To recompute a new minimal distance, delete the existing measurement and create a new one.
 | Create Global Dimensions Measurement | Creates three labels containing the height, length, and width of the bounding box of the selected actors according to the world coordinate system. If no actors are selected, the dimensions apply to all visible actors.
Dimension measurements do not have associations.
 | Create Local Dimensions Measurement | Creates three labels containing the height, length, and width of the bounding box of the selected actors according to a custom coordinate system. If no actors are selected, the dimensions apply to all visible actors.
Activate the coordinate system with the
Use coordinate system property of the viewport before running this command.
 | Create Coordinate System on Geometry | Creates a coordinate system (CS) at an actor's local frame. The CS is listed in the Collaboration tree and in the Assembly tree under the actor.You can change the CS origin and orientation by transforming the CS actor
in the viewport or from the Properties pane.To enable a CS, right-click it in the Collaboration tree and click
Enable Coordinate System.Dimensions are based on the current CS. |
 | Create Coordinate System | Creates a coordinate system (CS) at the location defined by vertices or axes you select.
Follow the prompts in the status bar to make the necessary selections.
The CS is listed in the Collaboration tree and at the top level of the Assembly tree (the CS is not associated with an actor).You can change the CS origin and orientation by transforming the CS actor in the viewport or from the Properties pane.To enable a CS, right-click it in the Collaboration tree and click
Enable Coordinate System.Dimensions are based on the current CS. |