- Adding Appearances
The Appearance Target palette appears when you add a new appearance to a model so you can add the appearance at the face, feature, body, part, or component level. You can now pin the palette, which allows you to add or paste appearances quickly.
- Copying and Pasting Appearances
You can copy an appearance from one entity and paste it onto another. Pasted appearances retain all the customizations made in the Edit Appearance PropertyManager.
- New and Enhanced Appearances
There are many new appearances in SolidWorks 2013, including liquids, plastics, and organic materials such as waxes and translucent marbles. In addition, brushed metals now show directionally-dependent (anisotropic) reflections to create a more realistic appearance.
- Rounding Sharp Edges in an Appearance
You can set an appearance to round sharp model edges when you render with PhotoView 360.
- Scaling Textural Appearances, Surface Finishes, and Decals
You can now use a default scale for textural appearances, surface finishes, and decals.