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CommandManager in Large Design Review

The Large Design Review tab of the CommandManager provides access to commands you can use when you open an assembly in Large Design Review mode.

To open an assembly in Large Design Review mode:

Click Open Tool_Open_Standard.gif (Standard toolbar) or File > Open. In the dialog box, in Mode, select Large Design Review.

tool_AddWalk-through_View.gif Add Walk-through Lets you explore the assembly and create and save videos of what you see as you maneuver through it.
Tool_Section_View.gif Section View Displays the model as if cut by planes that you specify. You can select one or more of the three standard planes to section the model.
Tool_Measure_Tools.gif Measure Measures distance between vertices, edges, and faces in the assembly.
tool_TakeSnapshot_View.gif Take Snapshot Captures the state of the graphics area, similar to a custom named view, and saves it in a Snap feature on the DisplayManager tab DisplayManager_tab.gif of the Manager Pane. Unlike a custom named view, if some parts are hidden when you take a snapshot, those parts are always hidden when you return to that snapshot.
tool_SelectiveOpen_LargeDesignReview.gif Selective Open Lets you select components to fully load. Other components are not loaded and become hidden. The software exits Large Design Review.
tool_SelectiveOpenInLW_LargeDesignReview.gif Selective Open in Lightweight Lets you select components to load lightweight. Other components are not loaded and become hidden. The software exits Large Design Review.
tool_SetAllResolved_LargeDesignReview.gif Set All to Resolved Fully loads all components and exits Large Design Review.
tool_SetAllLW_LargeDesignReview.gif Set All to Lightweight Loads all components lightweight and exits Large Design Review.
tool_Set_Transparency_View.gif Filter Modified Components Lets you adjust the transparency of unchanged components. When Filter Modified Components is enabled and you edit and save a component in a separate window, the changed component remains opaque in the assembly window, while unchanged components become transparent.
Filter Modified Components is available only when one or more components have been modified.
Tool_AssemblyXpert_Tools.gif AssemblyXpert Reports assembly statistics such as number and type of components, depth of the assembly hierarchy, etc. (AssemblyXpert diagnostic tests are not available in Large Design Review.)
Tool_Options_Standard.gif Options Provides access to the System Options tab of the the Options dialog box. (The Document Properties tab is not available in Large Design Review.)

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