SOLIDWORKS MBD SOLIDWORKS MBD is available as a separately purchased product that you can use with SOLIDWORKS Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium. Contents 3D PDF Accuracy When you save or publish as 3D PDF, you can set the level of accuracy for a 3D PDF. 3D PDF Template Editor Improvements The 3D PDF Template Editor gives you more control of the layout and formatting of the templates. Annotation Display Orientation When publishing to 3D PDF, annotations are oriented so that they are readable in the default orientation of each 3D view. Attaching Files to 3D PDFs When you publish to 3D PDF, you can attach files. Comparing 3D PMI Between Parts You can use the 3D PMI Compare tool to compare DimXpert annotations, reference dimensions, and other annotations between two part documents. Exporting PMI Annotations to STEP 242 You can export SOLIDWORKS parts and assemblies with PMI annotations to STEP 242 format. Names Match in 3D PDFs Names assigned to DimXpert PMI in 3D PDFs match the original names in the SOLIDWORKS software. Reordering 3D Views Sketches Display in 3D PDFs Sketches that are visible in 3D Views display in 3D PDFs within the same 3D View.