- Advanced Holes
With the Advanced Hole tool, you can define advanced holes from the near and far side faces. Hole element flyouts help guide the process. A Favorites group box is available in the PropertyManager.
- Bidirectional Circular Patterns
You can create circular patterns symmetrically or asymmetrically in both directions from the seed geometry. This is useful when the seed is not located at the end of the pattern arc.
- Chamfer Enhancements
The Chamfer PropertyManager has been updated to align with the Fillet tool. There are two new chamfer types, Offset Face and Face Face, which you can convert from chamfers to fillets and back.
- Converting Features to Bodies and Surfaces
For parts, you can convert features to bodies and surfaces which maintaining geometric references from other parts, assemblies, and drawings. This lets you remove unneeded feature history, while retaining the bodies and surfaces.
- Cut List Sorting
You can choose sorting options for cut lists from a shortcut menu on the top level of the Cut list folder and from the Document Properties tab.
- Derived Part References are Retained
Derived parts retain their references when you modify the original body using Boolean operations with features such as combine, cut extrude, split, and core.
- Disabling and Enabling Equations in All Configurations
You can disable and enable equations in the Equation View , Sketch Equation View , or Ordered View in the Equations, Global Variables, and Dimensions dialog box.
- Extrude from Any Size Planar Face
You can create boss, cut, and surface extrudes from any size surface, face, or plane. The surface or face must be planar. Previously the selection needed to encapsulate the entire sketch.
- Rebuilding All Configurations
The Rebuild All Configurations tool is available in multiple, more visible locations.
- Running FeatureWorks After Adding Items to Imported Parts
You can add various features and references to an imported part and not lose them if you subsequently run FeatureWorks on the imported part.
- Select All for Split Features and Save Bodies
You can use Select All for split features to select all split bodies without saving the resulting bodies to new parts.
- Sweep Profile Selection of Faces, Edges, and Curves
You can select faces, edges, and curves directly from models as sweep profiles. Enhanced selection is supported with Boss, Base, Cut, Surface, and Assembly cut sweep features. Previously you needed to create an extra sketch with converted entities as the profile.
- Thread Enhancements
- What's Wrong Enhancements
What's Wrong details and calls to action appear within the FeatureManager design tree, breadcrumbs, and graphics area. You no longer need to open the What's Wrong dialog box.
- Window Selection for Instances to Skip
You can use box and lasso selection to add or remove instances to skip in patterns.
- Wrap Creates Geometry on Any Face
The Wrap feature lets you create geometry on any face type. Not only can you wrap a sketch on all face types, you can wrap a sketch on multiple faces. Previously, the Wrap feature only handled cylindrical and cone shaped faces, and you could only work on a single face at a time.