- Assembly Performance Improvements
Assembly performance has improved when you drag components, rebuild assembly features, and show hidden components.
- Automatic Browsing when Inserting Components
When you create a new assembly or open the Insert Components PropertyManager and no components are available under Open documents, the Open dialog box opens automatically so that you can browse for components to insert.
- Disabling Previews of Hidden Components
You can turn off the functionality that causes previews to appear when you select hidden components in the FeatureManager design tree.
- Facility Layout
You can use special tools and workflows when you work with very large models such as plant layouts.
- Support for Path Mates
Path mate (Distance Along Path, Percent Along Path) is now a supported mate type.
- Grouping Components
In the FeatureManager design tree, you can automatically group the same components with the same configuration into a folder-like structure.
- Improved Shortcut Menu for Configurations
In the ConfigurationManager, when you right-click the top node of a part or assembly, the shortcut menu lists only the most commonly used tools. Unnecessary tools have been removed.
- Loading Documents in Memory Only
You can load referenced documents in memory only, rather than opening them in separate windows.
- Mate Controller Enhancements
- Mates
- Options to Improve Performance in Large Assembly Mode
When you are working on large assemblies, you can select system options that reduce the number of rebuilds and other time-consuming operations.
- Preserving Drawing References
Drawing references (such as dimensions, notes, and annotations) are maintained when you replace a subassembly with a multibody part created from the subassembly.
- Searching for Externally Referenced Documents
When you open assembly or drawing documents, new search options provide more control over where the software searches for missing referenced documents.
- Sorting Components by Their Opening Time
A property stores the time taken to open each of an assembly’s components the last time you opened the assembly. You access the property, SW-Open Time, in Assembly Visualization.
- SpeedPak Enhancements
You can include reference geometry and curves in a SpeedPak. You can select sketches from any level of the assembly to include in a SpeedPak.
- Treehouse Improvements