Bends PropertyManager

The Bends PropertyManager allows you to convert a shelled part to a sheet metal part.

To use the Bends PropertyManager to convert a part to sheet metal:

  1. Click Insert Bends Tool_Insert_Bends_Sheet_Metal.gif (Sheet Metal toolbar) or click Insert > Sheet Metal > Bends.
  2. Under Bend Parameters:
    • Select Override default parameters to change the bend radius or thickness from the original sheet metal feature.
    • Select a Fixed Face or Edge PM_shm_Fixed_Face.gif.
      If the part does not include a planar face, then you can select a linear edge.
    • Set the Bend Radius PM_draft_angle.gif.
    • Select Ignore beveled faces to exclude chamfers from being converted into sheet metal bends.
  3. Under Bend Allowance, select from the following options: Bend Table, K-Factor, Bend Allowance, Bend Deduction, or Bend Calculation.
  4. If you selected K-Factor, Bend Allowance, or Bend Deduction, enter a value.
  5. If you want relief cuts added automatically, select the Auto Relief check box, then select the type of relief cut. If you select Rectangular or Obround, then you must specify a Relief Ratio.
  6. If desired, select an edge to rip under Rip Parameters select_edges.png, and:
    • Click Change Direction if you want to reverse the direction of the rip.
    • In the Rip Gap PM_Gap_Distance.gif box, set a value if you want to set a gap distance.
  7. Click PM_OK.gif.