Bend Positions In a miter flange, edge flange, sketched bend, hem, or jog, you have to select a bend position. The choices are as follows: Bend Position Preview Material Inside The top of the shaded preview of the flange coincides with the top of the fixed sheet metal entity. Material Outside The bottom of the shaded preview of the flange coincides with the top of the fixed sheet metal entity. Bend Outside The bottom of the shaded preview of the flange is offset by the bend radius. Bend from Virtual Sharp This preserves the dimension to the original edge and will vary the bend material condition to automatically match with the flange's end condition. Tangent to Bend The flange position will always be tangent to the side face attached to the selected edge, and the flange length will always maintain the exact length.This option is valid for all flange length options and for bends that are greater than 90º. Bend Centerline The bend line is placed such that it equally splits the bend region in the flattened part. This is available for sketched bend and jog features. No preview available. Parent topicUsing Sheet Metal Tools Related concepts Edge Flanges Related tasks Miter Flange PropertyManager Sketched Bend PropertyManager