Bent Lofted Bends

You can create a bent lofted bend to create physical bends, rather than formed geometry and approximated bend lines in a flat pattern. Bent lofted bends form a realistic transition between two profiles to facilitate instructions for press brake manufacturing.

Creating Bent Lofted Bends

To create a bent lofted bend:

  1. Create two separate open profile sketches.
    The sketches can be on parallel or non-parallel planes.
  2. Click Lofted Bend Tool_sheet_metal_Lofted_Bend.gif (Sheet Metal toolbar) or Insert > Sheet Metal > Lofted Bends.
  3. Under Manufacturing Method, select Bent.
    The bent manufacturing method creates real physical bends, rather than formed geometry and approximated bend lines in a flat pattern. Bent lofted bends form a realistic transition between two profiles to facilitate instructions for press brake manufacturing. Arcs are approximated by faceted segments.

    This manufacturing method works with parts created in SOLIDWORKS 2013 and later.

  4. In the graphics area, select both sketches.
    In the PropertyManager, under Profiles PM_profiles_loft.gif, the sketch names appear.
  5. Under Faceting Options, select one of the following and set the Facet Value:
    chord_tolerance.png Chord Tolerance Sets the maximum distance between the arc and the linear segment.
    number_bends.png Number of Bends Sets how many bends are applied to each transition.
    segment_length.png Segment Length Specifies the maximum length of the linear segment.
    Segment Angle Specifies the maximum angle between two adjacent linear segments.
  6. Examine the path preview. Click Move Up PM_move_up.gif or Move Down PM_move_down.gif to adjust the order of the profiles, or re-select the sketches to connect different points on the profiles.
    1. Select Refer to endpoint to specify whether the created bends refer to a sharp corner in the profile or whether the sharp corner is replaced with adjacent bends to form an approximated arc in the corner.
    2. Set Sheet Metal Gauges, Sheet Metal Parameters, Bend Allowance, and Auto Relief options as you do for other sheet metal commands.
  7. Click .