Frame Properties

Use the Frame properties pane to add a frame to group controls.

To display this pane:

In the Card Editor, click Frame (Controls toolbar) and place the frame on the card.

Free text Static text that shows as the title in the upper left corner of the frame.

If you leave the field empty, the frame is untitled.

Special value Adds dynamic text as the frame title, with the value dependent on the file selected.
Select from the following:
Today's Date
Current Time
Current User (xx) - Name, initials, full name or user data of logged in user
Version Comment - Comment from most recent file check in
Transition Comment - Comment from most recent state transition
File Path - Filename and full path to the selected file
Last Label - Most recent label assigned to the file
Creator (xx) - Name, initials, full name or user data of user who created the file
Checked out by (xx) - Name, initials, full name or user data of user who checked out the file
Last Version
Current State - Current workflow state
Current state description
Latest transition - Most recent workflow transition
Latest transition description
File name
File name without extension
Latest revision number
Latest revision comment