Controlled Tab Example 2 - Managing Access to a Control This example describes how to manage access to a control, based on the group membership of the logged in user. To manage access to a control based on the logged-in user: Create a data card and link it to the extension .doc or .docx. Add a tab control. In the Tab properties pane: Select Controlled by variable and select the variable <Name of group>. The group membership of the logged in user will control which tab is visible. Leave the first tab name empty and type the name of an existing user group such as Project Leaders as the name of the second tab. Add a check box control to the first tab. In the Checkbox properties pane: Under Caption, type Approved. Under Value, for Variable name, select Approved. Under Flags, select Read-only. Copy the check box control and paste it onto the second tab. In the Checkbox properties pane, under Flags, clear Read-only. Save the data card to a folder in the vault. To test the card, log in as a user who is not in the Project Leaders group. Select a .doc or .docx file in the folder where you saved the card.On the Data Card tab, the check box is visible, but cannot be edited. Log in as a user in the Project Leaders group and select the same .doc or .docx file.On the Data Card tab, you can check or clear the check box. Parent topicWorking with Controlled Tabs Controlled Tab Example 1 - Controlling Visibility of Tabs