Rule Type: Configuration

Configuration rules switch the new model to another configuration already set up.

Before you create configuration rules, verify that the option Yes, allow me to create a rule to switch configurations on the Drawing and Configurations tab is selected.

Configuration Example: Switching to a Configuration - Check box

To switch to a configuration when a check box is selected:

  1. Create a form with a field called InputCheckBox.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Configurations and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the configuration or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, click Logic > IF( , , )and construct the condition that determines which configuration to use when the input check box is selected.
    • In the IF field: IF(InputCheckbox = TRUE ,
    • In the Then field, the name of the configuration, in quotes, to use when the condition is true: "ConfigA"
      The case of the name and the configuration must match exactly.
    • In the Otherwise field, type the name of the configuration, in quotes, to use when the condition is False: "Default"
    The formula shown in the rules list:

    IF(InputCheckBox = TRUE, "ConfigA", "Default" )

  6. Click OK.

Configuration Example: Switching to a Configuration - Menu

To switch to a configuration selected from a menu:

  1. Create a form with a drop-down control called MenuSelect with selections for existing configurations.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Configurations and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the configuration or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, click Inputs > MenuSelect.
    The formula shown in the rules list:


  6. Click OK.

Configuration Example: Changing Configurations - Input Value

To change configurations based on an input value:

  1. Create a form with a drop-down control called MaterialSelect with a list of materials, such as Cast Alloy Steel, that exist in the part.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Configurations and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the configuration or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, click Inputs > Material Select.
    The formula shown in the rules list:


    The configuration is swapped to Cast Alloy Steel (which must exist in the part or assembly).

  6. Click OK.

Configuration Example: Changing Configurations - Menu Value

To change configurations based on a value selected from a menu:

  1. Create a form with a drop-down control called MenuSelect with a list of existing configurations.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Configurations and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the configuration or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, click Logic > IF( , , ) and create an expression:
    • In the IF field, construct the condition that determines what the first menu selection could be (with the menu value in quotes).
    • In the Then field, type the name, in quotes, of the configuration to which the above selection refers.
      The case of the name and the configuration must match exactly.
    • In the Otherwise field, type the name, in quotes, of the other configuration.
    The formula shown in the rules list:

    IF(MenuSelect = "MenuValue", "ConfigAValue", "ConfigBValue" )

    If there are more than two menu selections, see Nesting Formulas in Using Functions and Formulas.
  6. Click OK.