Rule Type: Custom Properties

Custom Properties rules set the value of captured properties.

Custom Property Example: Assigning Values from Drop-Down Lists

To assign a value from a drop-down list:

  1. Create a form with a drop-down list called DrawnBy with a list of names.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Custom Properties and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the custom property or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, click Inputs > DrawnBy.
    The formula shown in the rules list:


    The custom property is set to the selected value, Tom, for example, which could be linked to a note on a drawing.

  6. Click OK.

Custom Property Example: Sending Dimensional Information

To send dimensional information from the input form to a property:

  1. Create a form with input fields for InputLength, Input Width, and Input Depth.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Custom Properties and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the custom property or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, click Inputs > InputLength and enter & " Long X " &.
  6. Click Inputs > InputWidth and enter & " Wide X " &.
  7. Click Inputs > InputDepth and enter & " deep".
    The formula shown in the rules list:

    InputLength & " Long X " & InputWidth & " Wide X " & InputDepth & " deep"

  8. Click OK.