Rule Type: Dimension

Dimension rules drive captured dimensions based on form input.

Dimension Example: Subtracting a Value

To subtract a value from a form input value:

  1. Create a form with an input field called ShaftLength.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Dimensions and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the dimension or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, click Inputs > ShaftLength and enter - 285, the value to be subtracted.
    The formula shown in the rules list:

    ShaftLength - 285

  6. Click OK.

Dimension Example: Calculating a Pitch

To calculate a pitch from an input value and a preferred hole quantity:

  1. Create a form with an input field called InputValue.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Dimensions and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the dimension or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, enter an open parentheses ( and select Inputs > InputValue.
  6. Subtract 300, the total of the start (150) and end (150) distances of the pattern and select Math > ).
  7. Select Math > / , and enter 10 (the number of holes preferred).
    The formula shown in the rules list:

    ( InputValue - 300 ) / 10

  8. Click OK.

Dimension Example: Calculating a Hole Quantity

To calculate a hole quantity for a pattern from an input value and a preferred pitch:

  1. Create a form with an input field called InputValue.
  2. Click Rules to open the Rules pane.
  3. Under Edit, select the check box for Dimensions and click Edit Rules.
  4. Double-click the dimension or click Build.
  5. In the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box, enter an open parentheses ( and select Inputs > InputValue.
  6. Subtract 300, the total of the start (150) and end (150) distances of the pattern and select Math > ).
  7. Select Math > / and enter 175 (the preferred pitch).
  8. Before the open parentheses, type ROUNDDOWN and after the entered pitch, type ,0) to round the result down to the nearest whole number.
  9. After the last close parentheses, type + 1 to calculate the hole quantity.
    The formula shown in the rules list:

    ROUNDDOWN (( InputValue - 300 ) / 175 , 0 ) + 1

  10. Click OK.