SOLIDWORKS Composer SOLIDWORKS® Composer™ software streamlines the creation of 2D and 3D graphical contents for product communication and technical illustrations. Contents 360 Degree Capture When you create technical illustrations and high resolution images, you can capture a defined number of images of the model along a vertical axis performing a 360° clockwise rotation. Basic Attach Type for Annotations A basic attach type is available for annotations. BOM ID Callouts A BOM table property lets you display BOM table entries only for geometry actors with visible callouts that display the BOM ID. Exponent Shape for Callouts A callout property, Exponent Shape, displays a callout's quantity exponent with a colored circular background. Importing Appearances from SOLIDWORKS Files You have the option to import appearances from SOLIDWORKS files. Importing Exploded, Saved, and Named Views from SOLIDWORKS Files You can import exploded, saved, and named views from SOLIDWORKS files. Inlaid Text for Linear Arrows An Inlaid Text property displays text inside linear arrows. Read-Only Mode Enhancement for Animation Library Templates You can make edits when property values are read-only. Support of MP4 Format for Animations You can save videos in FLV, MKV, and MP4 formats as well as AVI. Warning Message Before Breaking External Assembly Links A warning message appears if you start an operation that will break external assembly links. Parent topicSOLIDWORKS Composer SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync