Pressure PropertyManager

The Pressure PropertyManager applies uniform or nonuniform (variable) pressure to faces for use in structural (static, frequency, buckling, nonlinear and dynamic) studies.

To access the Pressure PropertyManager, do one of the following:

  • Click the down arrow on External Loads (Simulation CommandManager) and select Pressure .
  • In the Simulation study tree, right-click External Loads , and select Pressure icon_pressure.gif.

Pressure Type

  Normal to selected face Applies pressure in the direction normal to each face or shell edge you select. In the case of shell edges, the pressure is applied normal to the narrow face (across the thickness) of the shell.
  Use reference geometry Applies pressure in the direction specified by the reference entity you select.
In an assembly, you can use reference geometry from the assembly or the components (parts and subassemblies) of the assembly.
Faces, Edges for Pressure Select faces of solid models or edges and faces of shell models to apply the pressure.
Face, Edge, Plane, Axis for Direction Select a reference entity to specify the direction of pressure. This option appears only if you select Use reference geometry. The pressure you can apply depends on what you select:

Planar face or a reference plane

You can specify pressure Along Plane Dir 1 , Along Plane Dir 2 PM_along_plane_dir2.gif, or Normal to Plane PM_normal_to_plane.gif.

Cylindrical face or a reference axis

You can specify pressure in the Radial PM_radial.gif, Circumferential PM_circumferential.gif, or Axial PM_axial.gif direction.


You can specify pressure along the edge . To reverse the direction of pressure, enter a negative value.

Pressure Value

Units Sets the units
Pressure value Sets the pressure value.

Variation with Time

For linear and nonlinear dynamic studies, you can define a time-dependent pressure.

Linear Uses a default linear time curve which passes through the points (0,0) and (tend, Pvalue). Where Pvalue is the pressure specified in the Pressure value box and tend is the End time specified on the Solution tab of the Nonlinear dialog box.
Curve Uses a user-defined time curve. Click Edit to define or import a time curve. The pressure at any time is calculated by multiplying the pressure value specified above by the Y value of the time curve.
Graph Displays the actual time-dependent pressure.

Nonuniform Distribution

Specifies options for nonuniform pressure distribution.

Select a Coordinate System Select a coordinate system to define the nonuniform pressure:
  • Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z)
  • Cylindrical coordinate system (radial "r", circumferential "t", axial "z")
  • Spherical coordinate system (radial "r", longitude " t", latitude "p")
Units Sets the units (length) for the Cartesian (x, y, z), cylindrical (r, z), and spherical (r) coordinates.
These units are independent of the units of pressure value and the units defined in Default Options > Units.
Angular Units Sets the angular units for the cylindrical (t) and spherical (t, p) coordinates.
Trigonometric functions always treat the input value in radians. To convert degrees to radians multiply by pi /180 (for example cos("t" * 3.14159265 / 180.0)).
  Edit Equation Defines the equation which describes the spatial variation of the pressure in the selected coordinate system. You can use a list of basic mathematical operators from the Functions drop-down menu.
In the equation interface, enter the coordinates inside quotation marks: "x", "y", "z", "r", "t", and "p".
Equation for nonuniform pressure distribution based on cylindrical coordinates (r, t, z): P (r, t, z) = 5 * "r" + sin ("t") + 2 * "z"
Equation for nonuniform pressure distribution based on spherical coordinates (r, t, p): P (r, t, p) = "r" + 3 * sin ("t") + 2 * cos ("p")

Example: Nonuniform Pressure Distribution

Symbol Settings

Sets the color and size of pressure symbols

  Edit color Select a color for the pressure symbols from the color palette.
Symbol size Use the spin arrows to change the size of the pressure symbols.
  Show preview Turns on/off the display of pressure symbols.


Example of nonuniform pressure distribution defined by a reference Cartesian coordinate system.

p(X,Y) = V* (A + B*X + C*Y + D*X*Y + E*X^2 + F*Y^2)


p(X,Y) = magnitude of pressure applied at a point with coordinates X and Y

V is the value specified in the Pressure value field.

X, Y = coordinates of the point relative to the selected Cartesian coordinate system. The coordinate values depend on the selected Units PM_units.gif system.

* indicates multiplication