Copy and Move Functions

You can use standard Windows techniques to move files and folders into the vault. The SOLIDWORKS PDM copy and move operations help to ensure the integrity of the vault.

SOLIDWORKS PDM handles copy and move functions as follows:

  • Copied and moved files are checked out to you.
  • The version of the file in your working directory is copied; if not available in your working directory, the latest version of the file is copied from the archive.
  • Changes to a file checked out to another user are not included in the copy.
  • Copied files are assigned to their initial state in the workflow. Moved files retain their premoved state.
  • If a file you are moving is referenced by other files, a dialog box displays the referenced files and asks you to confirm that the referenced search path should be updated automatically.
  • To move files in the vault, you must have move permission for the source folder and add or rename permission for the target folder.