1 | Document Tabs
| The Composer multi-document interface lets you open multiple documents in separate tabs. To activate a document, click its tab. If the tab is hidden, click
Active Files (upper-right corner of the viewport) and select a document.
2 | Mode Icon | Indicates the Composer working mode. To switch modes, click the icon.

View mode
| Displays snapshots of the viewport. Changes to actor properties and position do not affect animations. For details about views, see
Views Pane.

Animation mode
| Displays scene animations.Changes to actor properties and position occur at the time indicated by the timebar in the Timeline. For details about animations, see
3 | Paper Space | Paper space shows how your scene fits on paper of a specified size. Dark gray areas indicate viewport space outside the paper margins. Select the paper size from
(Default) Document Properties - Paper Space. Commands to display and navigate the paper space are located on the
status bar. See Status Bar and Displaying and Navigating the Paper Space. |
4 | Active Viewport Pane
| The orange triangle indicates the active viewport pane, which is useful when you have multiple panes. See
Window Tab. |
5 | Compass | The compass lets you select standard orthographic camera views. The red, green, and blue axes indicate the X, Y, and Z directions, respectively. Clicking faces or axes of the compass rotates the viewport camera to that location: left, right, front, back, top, bottom.As you rotate, the compass rotates as well.
The compass is listed under
Environment in the Collaboration pane. See Collaboration Pane. You can change compass properties in the
Properties pane. See Compass Properties. |
6 | Ground
| The ground actor enhances your 3D scene by providing a reference plane for your model. You can augment the ground with a grid, mirror, or shadows.
The ground actor is listed under
Environment in the Collaboration pane. You can change ground properties in the
Properties pane or manipulate the ground in the viewport by selecting it and dragging its handles. See Ground Properties. |