Interference Detection in Large Design Review Mode

You can use interference detection on assemblies opened in Large Design Review mode.

In Large Design Review mode, the volume of interference is not available and calculations for interference detection are approximate. For accurate results, resolve the components and recalculate the interferences.
To use interference detection in Large Design Review mode:
  1. Open an assembly in Large Design Review mode.
  2. Click Interference Detection (Large Design Review tab) or Tools > Evaluate > Interference Detection.
  3. Select options in the PropertyManager and click Calculate.
    The following options are unavailable in the PropertyManager:
    • Create fasteners folder
    • Create matching cosmetic threads folder
    • Excluded Components
    • Hide excluded components from view
    • Ignore all smaller than
    • Ignore hidden bodies/components
    • Include surface bodies
    • Remember excluded components
    • Sort Largest to Smallest
    • Sort Smallest to Largest
    • Treat coincidence as interference