Performance Evaluation

In the Performance Evaluation dialog box, you can see the number of outdated documents, the time required to open the assembly, and the total number of graphics triangles.

New options and information:
Options and Information Description Section
Time to open Under Open Summary, displays the time taken to open the assembly. Open Performance
Searching for Referenced Documents Lists the number of documents found in the Referenced Documents folders and the time taken to perform the search. Open Performance
Total number of triangles in the assembly Under Graphics Triangles Details, displays the total number of graphic triangles in the top-level assembly.

In the number, SOLIDWORKS uses the separator specified by the operating system to separate groups of thousands.

Display Performance
Reduce Image Quality Under Shaded Image Quality, reduces the shaded image quality to 50% for the parts with higher image quality.

This option does not apply to subassemblies.

Not available for assemblies opened in lightweight mode except when the assembly has a flexible subassembly.
Clicking Reduce Image Quality moves the Low (faster) - High (slower) slider closer to the Low (faster) side.

To view the slider, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Image Quality. The slider is under Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolution.

Display Performance
Time to solve mates Under Mate, displays the time required to solve the mates when you rebuild the assembly. Rebuild Performance
Open and Isolate Components You can use Open and Isolate Components in the Mates dialog box.

Under Mate, click Show These Files to open the dialog box.

Rebuild Performance
Flexible subassemblies Lists the number of mates in the flexible subassemblies. Rebuild Performance
Configurations Rebuilt on Save Lists parts with more than 20 configurations that have the Rebuild on Save mark . Rebuild Performance
Statistics Under Assemblies, the statistics do not include suppressed mates. Statistics
To use performance evaluation:
  1. Open an assembly.
  2. Click Performance Evaluation (Evaluate toolbar) or Tools > Evaluate > Performance Evaluation.
To reduce the image quality:
  1. Open a model and click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Image Quality.
  2. Review the slider position under Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolution.

  3. Click Tools > Evaluate > Performance Evaluation.
  4. Under Shaded Image Quality in the Display Performance section, click Reduce Image Quality .

  5. After the Performance Evaluation results update, check the slider position under Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolution.