The Tools menu now contains some add-in menus. It also groups Xpress products and SOLIDWORKS applications for easier access.
Some add-ins that were accessed from the main menu in previous versions of SOLIDWORKS are now accessed from the Tools menu.
The following add-ins are affected:
- CircuitWorks
- Routing
- Toolbox
Third-party add-ins accessed from the main menu in previous versions of SOLIDWORKS are also now accessed from the Tools menu. Any new third-party add-in that attempts to create a menu on the main menu will now appear on the Tools menu.
Xpress Products
Products moved to the menu include:
- DriveWorksXpress
- SimulationXpress
- FloXpress
- SustainabiltiyXpress
- DFMXpress
SOLIDWORKS Applications
Products moved to the menu include:
- Part Reviewer
- Costing
- Sustainability