Link Between Results and Model Files

The algorithm that links the results file (*.cwr) to the model file that generated the results is improved.

You can upload and view result plots from data saved in the most recent *.cwr file, even in cases where the software terminated before completing the analysis of all simulation studies. For example, during a batch analysis of multiple studies, if the program terminates before running the last study, the software validates the links to the completed *.cwr files for post-processing.

It is important to save the model after meshing. The same mesh data exist in both files for the software to establish the link between the results file and the model that generated the results.

The software checks for the results file in this order:
  1. The results folder specified on the study's Properties dialog box.
  2. The folder of the model file that generated the results.
  3. The results folder specified on the Default Options > Results tab.
To re-establish a link between a valid *.cwr file and a model file, and be able to create result plots, start the Simulation Evaluator.

Simulation Evaluator lists the location of the model file and results folder. If a results file (*.cwr) exists, click the link provided to validate the results file and link it to the current study. In the event that the software cannot establish a link between the active model and the results file in the designated results folder, a warning message lists the reasons of failure.

Renaming a model file or a simulation study after saving the results can invalidate the link to the results file. The software cannot reconstruct the link between the new file and the results saved in the original file <model name-study name.cwr>.