Determine Cut Lengths for Twisted Pairs

You can identify two or more wires to braid into a twisted pair and calculate its cut length.

To define twisted pairs, click Edit Wires or Tools > Routing > Electrical > Edit Wires.

In the Edit Wires PropertyManager, select the wires that will form a pair and in Wire From-To List, click Twisted Pair .

The wires must be of the same type and diameter.

The Twisted Pair Parameters dialog box displays and lists the selected wires. In the Twists per unit length field, set the number of turns per unit length that the wires require and click OK. SOLIDWORKS then calculates and displays the route and cut lengths of the braided wire based on the route segment.

For BOMs, an existing column for length has been renamed to Routed Length and a new column for Manufactured Length has been added. This column lists the required cut length for the twisted wires.

This functionality is limited to annotations and not available in 3D route geometry.