After you run the packing process (Flow + Pack) in SolidWorks Plastics Premium, you can export the in-mold residual stresses and temperature data to a file (*.POE) in a binary format that can be read by Simulation.
For plastic parts, by simulating the cooling down process from temperatures sustained during the injection molding process to room temperature, you can calculate the final residual stresses and deformed state of the part.
- In SolidWorks Plastics Premium:
- Complete the Flow+Pack analysis where the residual stresses are calculated.
Select Residual Stress Calculation in Pack Setting PropertyManager.
- Export the in-mold residual stresses in a binary file format (*.POE).
The binary file stores:
- Node coordinates and element connectivity of the original mesh
- Nodal values for temperature and in-mold residual stresses (three normal and three shear stress components)
- Material properties
In Export PropertyManager, under Type select SolidWorks Simulation and select In-mold Residual Stress.
- Create a Nonlinear Static Simulation study.
- In the Simulation study tree:
- Right-click External Loads
, and select In-mold Residual Stresses
Select Import in-mold stresses from SolidWorks Plastics and browse to the location of the *.POE file.
If material has been assigned for the part in SolidWorks Plastics, the option Include material from SolidWorks Plastics is selected by default. To apply a different material, clear this option and select a material from the SolidWorks Material database.
- Click OK.
- Mesh and run the nonlinear study.
If you are running a post-cooling analysis, in the Solution tab in the Nonlinear - Static dialog box, select Save data for restarting the analysis.
After the analysis completes, you can plot the final residual stresses and deformed shape of the part after it is completely cooled.
The room temperature is defined in Reference temperature at zero strain (Flow/Thermal Effects tab)
The final deformed shape of the part (at pseudo time t = 1 sec) considers the effect of both the in-mold residual stresses (at pseudo time t = 0) and quenching thermal stresses (at time t = 1 sec).
- The solver maps internally the nodal and element connectivity information stored in the *.POE file to the new mesh created in Simulation.
- You can only import data from SolidWorks Plastics Premium for a single part that meshes with solid elements and uses a linear elastic isotropic material.
- You do not have to add fixtures to run the analysis. The nonlinear solver internally applies soft springs to stabilize the part and resolve stiffness singularities. Soft springs are applied to the diagonal terms of the stiffness matrix with magnitudes depending on the underlying material properties.