With Untrim Surface, you can patch surface holes and external edges by extending an existing surface along its natural boundaries.
You can also extend the natural boundaries of the surface by a given percentage, or connect the end points to fill the surface. Use the Untrim Surface tool with any imported surface or surfaces that you create.
Untrim Surface extends an existing surface, whereas Surface Fill creates different surfaces, applies a patch between multiple faces, uses constraint curves, and so on.
Example: Untrim Surface
To use Untrim Surface:
- Open the surface part that you want to untrim.

- Click Untrim Surface
on the Surfaces toolbar, or .
- Under Selections
, choose the face or the edges you want to untrim.Depending on the edge you select, the surface can extend to its natural boundary. To constrain the edge, select the adjacent edge, as show below.
Extend edges. If you select the edge as shown, the surface extends to its natural boundaries. Adjust the Distance to extend the surface to a percentage of its natural boundary.
To constrain the surface extension, select both edges, as shown above.
Under Options, as the Edge untrim type, you can accept the default Extend edges to extend all edges to their natural boundaries. Or you can select both edges and choose Connect endpoints, as shown.
To create a surface extension that merges with the original surface, select the Merge with original check box (default).
To create a new, separate surface body, clear the Merge with original check box. Both the original and the new surface body appear in the FeatureManager design tree.
- Click OK
to untrim the surface.
Surface untrim, select both left edges and the inner edge. Under Options, select Connect endpoints.
Surface untrim, select the face. Under Options, select All edges. All edges are extended to their natural boundaries.