You can offset, translate, and rotate faces and features directly on solid or surface models.
To open the Move Face PropertyManager:
Click Move Face
(Mold Tools or Features toolbar) or . You can also right-click a face and click Move Face, or select Move Face
on the Direct Editing CommandManager tab.
Move Face
Offset |
Offsets selected faces or features by a specified distance.
Translate |
Translates selected faces or features by a specified distance in a selected direction. |
Rotate |
Rotates selected faces or features a specified angle about a selected axis. |
Instant3D functionality supports editing of Move Face features. Click the Move Face feature or face and use the Instant3D arrow, dimension manipulator, or triad to edit the Move Face feature.
Face(s) to move |
Lists the faces or features you select. Use the Select Connected Faces pop-up toolbar to help you select various faces. See Using Select Connected Faces.
Copy |
Copies faces and features using the Translate and Rotate commands. You can use Instant3D functionality, such as the triad and rulers, to position and edit the Move Face features. This option is useful when you modify imported geometry. You cannot create disjoint bodies using this option. Video: Move Face - Copy |
Example of
Translate, and
Distance |
For Offset and Translate, set the distance to move the faces or features.
Draft Angle |
For Rotate, set the angle to rotate the faces or features.
Flip direction |
Switches the direction that the face moves.
Direction reference |
For Translate, select a plane, planar face, linear edge, or reference axis to specify the direction to move faces or features.
Axis reference |
For Rotate, select a linear edge or reference axis to specify the axis of rotation for faces or features.