When knitting surfaces, you can adjust the knitting tolerance based on the size of the resulting gaps to improve the quality of the Knit Surface feature to knit some gaps according to design intent. To knit gaps within a tolerance, increase the knitting tolerance.
With a part open, click Knit Surface
(Surfaces toolbar), or right-click a knit surface feature in the FeatureManager design tree and click Edit Feature
- In the PropertyManager, with surfaces selected, select Gap Control.
Gaps are listed in the PropertyManager if there are knitting gaps within the range specified in Show gaps in range. Open gaps
have values greater than the knitting tolerance.
- If necessary, move the sliders to modify the range for which gaps are displayed.
- To knit a gap closed, increase the knitting tolerance to a value greater than the gap. Do one of the following:
- Right-click a gap and click Increase tolerance to gap_size.
- Select Knit all gaps less than gap_size
next to an open gap.
- Manually increase the Knitting tolerance.
You must press Enter after typing the knitting tolerance.
The Knitting tolerance is adjusted and all gaps less than the tolerance are knit within that tolerance