The behavior of the SOLIDWORKS PDM client is controlled by user settings.
User can have different settings for each vault they have access to. The settings apply regardless of which system the user logs in to.
To change settings, you must be logged in as a user with Can administrate users permission; the Admin user has this permission by default.
You can modify settings from either Users or Groups. However, because users can be members of multiple groups, settings are always stored as part of the individual users' database records.
Modify settings using one of these methods:
To administer the settings for a specific user, expand Users, right-click the user name, and select Settings.
- To define the same settings for all users, right-click Users and select Settings.
To define same the user settings for all current group members, right-click a group name and select Settings.
When you add users to a group, they retain the user settings they currently have. If you want all members of a group to have the same settings, reapply the settings when you add new group members.
Even without administrative permissions, users can view their settings by opening the SOLIDWORKS PDM Administration tool, expanding Users, right-clicking their user name, and selecting Settings. To modify their settings, users must have Can administrate users permission.