The Domains node in the
PlasticsManager tree lists the part bodies participating in the analysis and their domain
The domain classification choices available for a study depend on the type of
Injection Process and Analysis
Procedure defined when creating a new study. For a Shell analysis procedure, the domain choice is limited to
Cavity. For a Solid analysis procedure, the domain choices are: Cavity, Runner,
Cooling Channel, Mold, and Insert.
The available domain choices depend on the installed SOLIDWORKS Plastics license.
- You can select multiple part bodies to assign the same domain
type, which is useful for models with a large number of bodies.
- You can access the Runner Design,
Cooling Channel, and Virtual
Mold PropertyManagers to create these features.
- You can assign the Order
in which the cavities are injected for two-shot overmolding or multishot
overmolding designs.
- You can exclude bodies from the analysis.
Before generating the mesh, every part body listed in the Domains node requires a domain assignment. You can
exclude bodies that do not participate in the Plastics simulation by selecting
Exclude from Analysis.