List Connector Force

This PropertyManager lists the output forces of connectors defined in the active static or nonlinear study. The list of connectors includes: pin, spring, bolt, spot weld, link, and bearing.

You can list axial and shear forces, bending moments, and torque for each connector.

The fastener used in the connection should be able to withstand these loads with a reasonable factor of safety. For bolt and pin connectors, you can enter a factor of safety when you define the connector. Simulation performs a pass / no-pass safety check when you run the analysis.

To access this PropertyManager, run a static or nonlinear study with connectors and do one of the following:

  • Right-click Results and click List Connector Force.
  • Right-click Results , and click List Result Force. In the PropertyManager, under Options select Connector Force.


Connector force Select to list output forces for pin, spring, bolt, spot weld, link, and bearing connectors.
When listing forces for pin connectors, Simulation reports the force and moment values with respect to the centroid of the source surface as defined in Cylindrical Faces/Edges of Component 1 ( Connector- Pin PropertyManager). The distribution of shear forces and moments is not uniform along the pin connector's geometry.


Plane, Axis, or Coordinate System Select a reference plane, a reference axis, or a coordinate system (other than the global coordinate system) to list a connector's X,Y, and Z component forces with respect to a local coordinate system.
Unit Sets the units system for the reported forces.
Selects the type of connector to list forces. Select one of the following:
  • All connectors
  • All pins
  • All bolts
  • All springs
  • All spot welds
  • All links
  • All bearings
  • Individual connectors
Plot step Available for nonlinear studies. Sets the solution step for which to list the connector forces.

Connector Force

A table lists the output forces of the selected connectors. The preload (if applied) is included in these results.

For pin and bolt connectors, data cells of connectors with no-pass status are red. Data cells of connectors with a pass status are green.

  Type Lists the output forces available for each connector.
  Resultant Lists the resultant forces.
The resultant is calculated as the square root of the sum of the squares of the X,Y, and Z components.
  X, Y, and Z Component Available when option List X,Y,Z components is selected. Lists the X, Y, and Z components of the connector's force.
Connector forces are listed with respect to the global coordinate system. To list the X, Y, and Z components of a connector's force with respect to a local coordinate system, click Plane, Axis, or Coordinate System .
  Connector Lists all selected connectors.
Backward Moves upward through the list of connectors.
Forward Moves downward through the list of connectors.
When you select a row in the table, the corresponding connector highlights in the graphics area and a callout lists all forces. Press Shift to select multiple, consecutive rows. Press Ctrl to select multiple, individual rows.

Report Options

Save to file Exports the list of connector forces to an Excel spreadsheet (*.csv) or a plain text file (*.txt).
Copy to Clipboard Copies the displayed results in the clipboard. You can paste the copied data in a Microsoft Word or Excel document.
Response Graph Available only with nonlinear studies. Creates 2D time history plots for the X-, Y-, Z- components of the connector forces and the resultant force for the selected connectors.
  List X,Y,Z components Lists the X,Y, and Z components of the connector force type.
You can also list the X, Y, and Z components of a connector's force with respect to a local coordinate system. Click Plane, Axis, or Coordinate System to define a local coordinate system.
  Transpose result columns Adds all forces of the same type across all selected connectors.
The resultant is calculated as the square root of the sum of the squares of the X,Y, and Z components listed next to the resultant data cell.