Heat Power/Energy PropertyManager

The Heat Power/Energy PropertyManager lists the heat power or heat energy of the thermal equilibrium calculations. It also lists the net heat power or heat energy that is entering or leaving the system. Listing of heat energy is available for transient thermal studies only.

To display this PropertyManager:

Create a Thermal Simulation study. Right-click Results and select List Heat Power/Energy.


Heat Power  
Heat Energy Available for transient thermal studies only.
Heat energy is calculated as the area under the heat power - time curve.


Unit Selects the heat power or heat energy unit.
Select Faces, Edges or Vertices Selects faces, edges, or vertices of solids and shells to list the heat flow.
Components Selects the entire assembly or components to list the heat flow.

Solution Step

Available for transient thermal studies only

Plot Step (start time) Sets the solution time step to list the results.
Time Shows the time step in seconds for the selected solution step.
Plot Step (end time) Available for heat energy results between two solution steps. Sets the end solution time step to list the results.


Lists the heat power (or heat energy) for the selected entities. If you select a component, part, or assembly, the sum of the heat power values for all faces of the component is listed.

Select an entity under Result to display the entity’s results callout in the graphics area.


The program performs all thermal equilibrium calculations and lists the heat power (or heat energy) on the surfaces of the bodies. It does not account for any internal volumetric heat generation inside the bodies.
Power In, Energy In   Lists the heat power or heat energy that flows through the selected entities.
Power Out, Energy Out   Lists the heat power or heat energy that flows out of the selected entities.
Net Power, Net Energy   Lists the net heat power or the net heat energy for the selected entities and the entire model.

If heat power is applied to a part with multiple bodies, the software adds the positive (flowing through the body) and negative (flowing out of the body) heat power for each body. The total heat power flowing in and out of all bodies is listed under the Entire Model.

For steady state thermal analysis, the net heat power flow is zero for the entire model.

A positive net heat energy indicates heat gain, whereas a negative heat energy indicates heat loss.

Response Graph Creates 2D plots of heat power results versus time for the selected entities and the entire model as well. You can plot time history graphs for heat power in, heat power out, and net heat power quantities.

Report Options

Save to file Saves the list of results to an Excel spreadsheet (*.csv) or a plain text file (*.txt).
Copy to Clipboard Copies the displayed results in the clipboard. You can paste the copied data in a Microsoft Word or Excel document.