List Reaction Force

You can list reaction forces on selected entities for an active static, nonlinear, drop test and dynamic study. The software lists the X-, Y-, Z-components of the reaction force, and the resultant reaction force on the selected entities and on the entire model as well.

To list reaction forces, after running the analysis, right-click Results and select List Result Force. In the PropertyManager, under Options select Reaction force.

You can also click Results Advisor > List Result Force (Simulation CommandManager).

Reaction forces are not calculated for rigid bodies.


Plane, Axis or Coordinate System Lists the results relative to the selected entity.
Units Sets the output units.
Faces, Edges, or Vertices Lists the reaction forces for the selected entities.
Components Lists the reaction forces for the selected components.
Joints Available for beams joints with applied fixtures. Lists the reaction forces at the selected beam joints.

Beam joints at the free end of beams highlight with bright green color.

Beam joints where two or more beams intersect highlight with orange color.

Time Step Available only with nonlinear, drop test and dynamic studies. Sets the time step number at which you want to list the reaction force.
  Available for nonlinear, drop test and modal time history studies. Displays the time corresponding to the selected plot step.
  Available for harmonic and random vibration studies. Displays the frequency corresponding to the selected plot step.
  Update Updates the results based on the current selected entities.

Reaction Force

Lists the X-, Y-, Z- components of the reaction force, and the resultant reaction force on the selected entities and on the entire model. The reaction forces along X-, Y-, and Z- axis are the sums of the individual nodal reaction forces on the selected entities and on the entire model.

Response Graph Available only with nonlinear, drop test and dynamic studies. Creates 2D time history plots for the X-, Y-, Z- components of the reaction force, and the resultant reaction force on the selected entities and on the entire model.

Reaction Moment

Shells and Beams

The solver computes the reaction moments for shell and beam elements at the constraint nodes considering rotational DOF. There is a minor torsional resistance normal to the face of shells.

The sum of reaction moments computed at individual constrained nodes is listed with respect to the global coordinate system (X-, Y-, and Z- axis).

Listing of reaction moments is available for the entire model or for selected entities.


For tetrahedral elements that have only translational DOF, reaction moments are not calculated directly from the equation matrix solution.

Moments of the reaction force components for the entire model or a selected entity with respect to a user-defined coordinate system or axes can be listed. The moment arm vector is calculated from the origin of the reference coordinate system.

If you select a reference axis, the moment of reaction forces is computed about this axis only. The moment arm is the distance between the constrained nodes where reaction forces are computed from the axis.

The resultant reaction moment is the norm of the moment components about a reference coordinate system from the origin or about a reference axis.

Listing of moment of reaction forces is available for the entire model or for selected entities.

Response Graph Available only with nonlinear, drop test and dynamic studies. Creates 2D time history plots for the X-, Y-, Z- components of the reaction moment, and the resultant reaction moment on the selected entities and on the entire model.

Display Options

Display resultant forces Converts the three force vectors (X-, Y-, and Z- components) to a resultant force vector. Only the resultant force vector is displayed.

Report Options

Save to file Saves the list of reaction forces to an Excel spreadsheet (*.csv) or a plain text file (*.txt).
Copy to Clipboard Copies the displayed results in the clipboard. You can paste the copied data in a Microsoft Word or Excel document.