
The toolbar provides quick access to commands.

New Item Folder Creates an item folder. See Creating Item Folders.
New Item Creates a new item. See Creating Items.
New Item From File Generates items from one or more files. See Creating Items from Files.
Link Files to Item Adds a file link to the selected item. See Adding File Links.
Remove Link Removes a file or item link from an item. See Removing File Links and Removing Item Links.
Hide Files Toggles the display of file links and named BOMs in the main pane. See Hiding File Links.
Expand Levels Expands or collapses items in the main pane. See Expanding and Collapsing Items and Folders.
Cut Cuts the selected item, link, or folder so you can paste it elsewhere. When used to create an item link (see Adding Item Links), Cut behaves like Copy.
Copy Copies the selected item, link, or folder so you can paste it elsewhere. You cannot create a new item by copying an existing item.
Paste Pastes a cut or copied item, file link, or folder to a new location. You can only paste onto the latest version of an item.
Delete Deletes one or more selected items or folders. See Deleting Items and Deleting Item Folders.
To delete links to files and items, use the Remove Link command (see Removing File Links and Removing Item Links). To delete files, use SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer.
Check Out Checks out one or more selected items for editing. See Checking Out.
Check In Checks in one or more selected items. See Checking In.
Undo Check Out Cancels a check out of one or more selected items. See Undoing a Check Out.
Change State Changes the workflow state by passing through the selected transition. See Changing States via a Normal Transition.
Increment revision Assigns the next revision number to the item or file. See Incrementing Revision Numbers.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Search Shows SOLIDWORKS PDM search forms. See Searching for Items.
SOLIDWORKS PDM File Viewer Displays the selected file in the appropriate viewer (such as File Viewer or eDrawings). See Viewing Linked Files. Not applicable to items.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Inbox Shows messages in the SOLIDWORKS PDM Inbox. See Notifications.