- Design Resources Palette Compatibility with the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform (2025 FD01)
The Design Resources palette lets you access resources and contents of drawing files available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
- Attaching Files from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform (DraftSight Connected Only) (2025 FD01)
You can attach drawing, image, and PDF files from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform as external references to the current drawing.
- Bookmarks for Batch Save to 3DEXPERIENCE (DraftSight Connected Only)
You can batch upload files to bookmarks on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
- Open Dialog Box (DraftSight Connected Only)
You can use the Open dialog box to open recently opened drawing files and files on 3DSearch, locked by you, in My Content, and in bookmarks.
- Managed DS License Server
DraftSight supports Managed DS License Server.
- DGN File Export
You can use the EXPORTDGN or DGNEXPORT commands to export DGN files.
- Auto-Fill Table Cells
Auto-fill is useful when you want the data in a logical or repetitive order in the adjacent cells of a table. The data includes dates, sequential numbers, days of the week, months etc.
- Accessing Tables and Creating Table Breaks
You can use the TABLE command to create tables and break large tables into multiple tables so they fit in a drawing area or sheet.
- Libraries of Dynamic Blocks
The tool palettes include more than 400 dynamic blocks. The blocks are parametric and compatible with AutoCAD®.
- Dynamic Search in an Options Dialog Box
The search functionality in the Options dialog box is more intuitive and user friendly, ensuring that you find options quickly.
- Dimension Styles Dialog Box
The Dimension Styles dialog box is simplified for editing Dimension Styles.
- Block Structure Palette
The Block Structure palette helps you visualize, manage, and navigate complex block hierarchies. It enhances the efficiency and organization of design and drafting tasks.
- Editing Clipped External References and Blocks
When you clip a block or an externally referenced (xref) drawing, you can resize or edit their boundaries with grips. In earlier releases, you had to recreate the clip each time you resized or edited the boundaries.
- Drawing Order
The Drawing Order command has options tailored to specific entity types. The options offer more control over the visibility of annotations, further streamlining the design process.
- Managing Spacing Between Dimensions
You can use the DIMSPACE command to manage the spacing between dimensions in DWG files. This ensures precision, clarity, and design consistency in drawings.
- Menu Bar Visibility
You can use the ribbon and menu bar simultaneously in the user interface.
- Dimensional Constraints for Custom Blocks
When you edit the CustomBlocks, you can use Dimensional Constraints. This lets you control the distance, length, angle, and radius of entities. Dimensional Constraints can also constrain the distances and angles between geometric entities or points on entities.
- FLATTEN Command
With the FLATTEN command, you can automatically specify the elevation (Z value) of certain commands as 0.
- Visual Styles
You can represent 3D models with an specified appearances. For example, if the model is in the schematic design stage, you can show the model to a design team in a “sketch appearance” and present it to customers in a “realistic appearance.”
- Export Models to Unreal Engine
You can export DWG file content to the Unreal Engine environment, which allows you real-time rendering and visualization.
- Printing in MacOS
If you run DraftSight on macOS®, the Print dialog box uses a similar interface to that in Windows®. The dialog box is more versatile and user friendly.
- AMUSERHATCH Command (DraftSight Mechanical Only)
You can use the AMUSERHATCH command to insert user-defined, predefined, and nonassociative hatches into object areas. You can modify the properties of a selected hatch before inserting it into an object area.
- Table Edits
You can use advanced features when editing tables.
- Import STEP Files
You can use the IMPORTSTEP command to import 3D models from STEP files.
- DWGUNITS Command
The DWGUNITS command converts drawings to other unit systems.
- PDF Export and Batch Print Usability
You can retain the settings for exporting to PDF and batch printing for the next session.
- Blocks in the Design Resource Palette
The Design Resource Palette has improved usability for blocks.
- Multiple Visibility Elements
You can use CustomBlocks to attach multiple visibility elements to a single block.
- Lasso Selection
You can use lasso selection to enhance efficiency and save time.