Comparison of Tresca and von Mises Criteria for Plasticity
It has been observed that for polycrystalline materials (ductile metals),
von Mises condition of constant shearing stress intensity in the state
of yielding agrees somewhat better, in general, with experimental data.
There are other cases, however, that the Tresca-Saint Venant conditions
appear to be in better agreement with experimental data. Thus, the two
methods may be regarded as equally possible formulations of the yield
For the states of uniaxial or equibiaxial stress,
the two criteria are equivalent.
At other stress states yielding occurs at lower
stress values according to the Tresca conditions; under equal loading
conditions, the Tresca criterion predicts larger plastic deformation than
the von Mises.
Maximum deviation between the two models occurs
for the state of pure shear. At this stress state, based on the Tresca
conditions, yielding occurs at 87% of von Mises stress.