Overriding Calculated Values in a Design Table

When you close a design table that contains manually entered values for $SW-MASS and $SW-COG, SOLIDWORKS prompts you to use either the manually entered values or the values calculated from the model geometry.

The prompt provides these options:
Use the mass value specified in the Design Table Enables Override mass or Override center of mass and assigns the manually entered values to the mass properties.
Use the mass value calculated from the model geometry Deletes the $SW-MASS column or the $SW-COG column that has the manually entered values. The model uses values calculated from the model geometry.
To override calculated values in a design table:
  1. Open a model that has a design table with a $SW-MASS column or a $SW-COG column.
  2. Clear the override properties:
    1. Click Tools > Evaluate > Mass Properties.
    2. Click Override Mass Properties.

    3. In the Override Mass Properties dialog box:
      • For $SW-MASS, clear Override mass.
      • For $SW-COG, clear Override center of mass.

    If these override options are enabled, the prompt does not show and the model is saved with the manually entered values.
  3. In the ConfigurationManager tab, expand Tables .
  4. Right-click Excel Design Table and click Edit Table.

  5. In the table, manually enter values for $SW-MASS or $SW-COG.
  6. Close the design table.
  7. When prompted, select Use the mass value specified in the Design Table to override the calculated values with the manually entered values.