- Automatically Optimize Resolved Mode
You can optimize resolved mode automatically. Using this system option improves performance by selectively using lightweight technology when you load components in resolved mode.
- Repairing a Missing Mate Reference
You can repair missing mate references for references to faces, edges, planes, axes, and points.
- Delete Missing Components from a Model (2023 SP1)
You can delete all missing components from a model in the Find References dialog box.
- Additional End Conditions for Cut Features
More end conditions are available for cut features in assemblies.
- Previewing a Replacement Component
You can preview a replacement component in the Replace PropertyManager. You can specify the scope of the replacement.
- Specifying a Color for an Explode Line
You can use a system option to specify an explode color. You can change the color of explode lines in an exploded view.
- Selecting a Configuration for Skipped Instances
You can select This Configuration
, All Configurations
, or Specify Configurations
for skipped instances in assembly component patterns.
- Specifying a Default BOM Part Number
In a model, you can select Document Name or Configuration Name as the default Bill of Materials (BOM) part number for new configurations.
- Magnetic Mates
You can suppress magnetic mates and connection points.
- Overriding Calculated Values in a Design Table
When you close a design table that contains manually entered values for $SW-MASS
and $SW-COG
, SOLIDWORKS prompts you to use either the manually entered values or the values calculated from the model geometry.
- Assembly Visualization
In lightweight mode, SOLIDWORKS calculates more Assembly Visualization columns without setting the lightweight components to resolved.
- Configuration Publisher: Updating a Multiple-Configuration Model
For models that have multiple configurations created with a custom PropertyManager, the PropertyManager icon changes to
after you manually add, delete, or rename a configuration. Update appears when you right-click PropertyManager.
- Fix and Float Options When Inserting a Component (2023 SP2)
In the Insert Component PropertyManager, you can specify the position of a component as Only fix first component, Fix, or Float.
- Selecting Flexible Subassemblies and Components (2023 SP2)
In the Advanced Component Selection dialog box, you can specify Flexible, Envelope, and Excluded from BOM for Component Status. From the Select flyout, you can use Select Flexible Subassembly to select flexible subassemblies in the model.
- Width Mate Selections (2023 SP2)
In the Mates PropertyManager, the width mate options Width selections and Tab selections are renamed to Width selections 1 and Width selections 2.
- Displaying Component Descriptions and Configuration Descriptions (2023 SP3)
In the Insert Component / Begin Assembly PropertyManager, under Open documents, the component name includes the component description. In the Replace PropertyManager, under With this one, the component name includes the component description.
- Propagating Assembly Features to Parts Blocked for Toolbox Parts
Assembly features cannot be propagated to Toolbox parts.
- Assembly Performance Improvements
Assembly performance is improved when: