Type |
Displays a thumbnail preview of the file when you hover over the file type icon. |
File Name |
Displays the file to roll back and its referenced files (if any). |
Warnings |
Displays warnings, if any of the rollback conditions are not met. |
Rollback |
Displays the selected parent file and its references that have the same Revision or Transition or Checked in event. You can select or clear the files to roll back. |
Rollback Point |
Click any Rollback Point to display the list of Event in the file history for the target version. The default selected Rollback Point is highlighted in blue. When you change this setting, the rows are highlighted in yellow.
The Rollback Point is set to:
Setting |
Description |
No rollback setpoint |
If the files are not selected for rollback. When you select a file for rollback, SOLIDWORKS PDM sets the Rollback Point to the highest valid event in the target version.
Internal Component |
If a parent file has an internal component, it gets selected or cleared for rollback with its parent file. You cannot select or clear the internal component explicitly. |
SOLIDWORKS PDM attempts to match child files to Revisions, Transitions, or Checked in events from the rollback triggered parent file. Any change to the Rollback Point of the parent file recomputes the default rollback points for child files in the tree.
Local ver. |
Displays the local version and the latest version as local version/latest version of the file. |
Version |
Displays the referenced version/latest version of the file. The file is rolled back from the latest version to the referenced version.
Checked Out By |
Displays the user who checked out the file. This is blank if the file is checked in. |
Checked Out In |
Displays the computer and local folder where the file is checked out, or blank if not checked out. |
Found In |
Displays the vault folder containing the file. |
State |
Displays the state of the file. |